in the darkest heart
of a forest, a turret of stone
with a pool of black water
at its centre, flecked
by impossible stars
sunk deep into
the bowels of the earth—
they were ordered
to tie their own noose
as a serpent wound its
way around a deadened tree
limbs jutting into the bricks
high enough to hang—
the officers with the death’s head
skulls on their lapels, dragged
the prisoners from their cells
to an overhanging platform
their black uniforms
cast in shadows, draped
with sinister wings
by the oil lamps’ flames
while high above a bird pecked
a hammering rhythm, marking
time with the drops of rain
falling into the watery depth beneath
each sound carved into the silence
awaiting them, their breath
sucked by fear as the vice
of death, that twining serpent
ever closer, the ropes finally
hung, waiting to swing
and they took one last glance upward, a futile escape the tower open wide to the sky
above, yet what they finally saw was the light mirrored dark
and endless below
Rebecca Horn, Concert in Reverse (Das gegenläufige Konzert) 1987/97
Multi-part installation at the Zwinger municipal tower, Münster
Sculptur-Projekte in Münster