Simply gorgeous remix by Paradox of Synkro’s track Luminous. Check it out.
It's Gonna Fall
Artwork: by Emeli Martensson for 5Preview
Feel this right now. Drawing created by 5Preview founder/designer/artist Emeli Martensson. Break down the walls. Freedom forever.
unicorn magic
Artwork: by @bobaccesories via @escif
Could use some magic right now—this will do. ❤️ unicorns.
We Are Not Alone
Nick Cave and Warren Ellis have collaborated yet again on an original score for the forthcoming film La Panthère Des Neiges (Dec 2021). The film follows wildlife photographer Vincent Munier and novelist Sylvain Tesson as they explore the valleys of the Tibetan plateau looking for unique animals. Ellis said this about the project:
“There is something about the heart of this film that draws you in. I realized after a day, that I wanted to do whatever it took to compose an entire original score. The film deserved to have its own musical voice. I booked five days and asked Nick if he could come in for a day to write a theme song and play some piano. He saw the film and stayed for four days. In the end we made what I think is one of the most beautiful films we have ever worked on. One of my favorite experiences ever working on a project. The stars are the animals in all their wild glory, as we have never seen them before, and man in reverence and wonder.”
Here’s the theme song We Are Not Alone.
Life Goes on Between White Leaves
Artwork: Luzinterruptus, Life goes on between white leaves, 2021, Madrid (@luzinterruptus for more images)
Spanish cooperative Luzinterruptus (@luzinterruptus) recently installed their current art project in the Plaza Mayor, Madrid, Life goes on between white leaves. The work features a large wall mounted with hundreds of white notebooks with the trademark illumination the group’s projects are known for. The installation is interactive, the artists inviting people to write their thoughts and concerns “during these dark times”.
The power of people and the power of words shapes this engaging and evolving artwork.
Like Her
Artwork: Installation by eL Seed, Like Her, Nepal, 2021
Artist eL Seed’s recent installation, Like Her, spanning the roofs and walkways of houses in the village Giranchour in Nepal is a stunning tribute to the women who live there. This is what eL Seed had to say about the project, its inspiration and meaning:
“In 2015 an earthquake rocked Nepal, destroying hundreds of homes and tearing many families apart. As the country began to build itself back up again women took a leading role in the reconstruction of the society around them.
In Giranchour, a small village three hours away from Kathmandu, some women got trained in construction work, when others learned how to produce their own earthquake resistant bricks.
In this new project, I explore the topic of women empowerment by bringing light to the stories of admirable women. During four weeks, I worked with a team of 12 women who helped me create a giant art installation that spread all around the village connecting each house to another, linking each women’s story to the other.
The art installation depicts the words of Yogmaya Neupane (1867-1941) one of the first female activists of Nepal, a woman who has become a modern icon in the contemporary fight for gender equality and social justice:
“There is nothing between us, nothing at all. Your eyes have tears, just like my own.”
Single, married or widows, this group of women carries the legacy of Yogmaya Neupane. The art installation becomes an echo of their stories and aims to amplify their voices.
I believe artists have a great social responsibility to inspire, ignite and implement change. 'Like Her' intends to raise up the women in this remote community that was devastated by the 2015 earthquake, and bring to light issues facing these women, and women all over the world, while sharing their beautiful stories of wisdom, strength and resilience.”
In Love with the World
Anicka Yi’s current installation at the Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall is very, very strange. In Love with the World features floating, moving, helium-filled forms Yi calls “aerobes”. These aerobes are based on ocean life forms and mushrooms, that float and propel themselves around the hall. The premise for the exhibition is the question: What would it feel like to share the world with machines that could live in the wild and evolve on their own?
The bulbous aerobes are called “planulae” and the aerobes with jellyfish-tentacles are “xenojellies”. Yi has also created “scentscapes” in the Turbine Hall, notably scents inspired by the history of the Bankside area surrounding Tate Modern, including marine scents from the Precambrian period; odours of vegetation from the Cretaceous period; the scents of spices that were used to counteract the Black Death in the 14th century, and the smell of coal and ozone from the Industrial Revolution.
This re-imagining of artificial intelligence has produced a quite surreal installation/experience. Merging technology and biology the aerobes are programmed to float towards heat, namely the human bodies visiting the space. They have a homing instinct, returning to a “pool” of technicians who recharge the aerobes’ batteries, readying them to fly once more. In one sense they are simply kinetic sculptures, but the effect is not unlike being immersed in an ocean pool, or suspended in air. Yi’s almost peaceful creations subvert the notion of AI as aggressive, potentially harmful, and primed to take over humanity. Instead these aerobes are encountered as if finding them in the wild, a strange mutation to be wondered at, to potentially live alongside as part of an evolving and entangled ecosystem.
where the wild things are
Artwork: Illustration by Maurice Sendak for Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are is one of my all-time favourite books. So this story recounted by Sendak about one of his readers made me laugh:
"Once a little boy sent me a charming card with a little drawing on it. I loved it. I answer all my children’s letters...I sent him a card and I drew a picture...I wrote, 'Dear Jim: I loved your card.' Then I got a letter back from his mother and she said, 'Jim loved your card so much he ate it.' That to me was one of the highest compliments I’ve ever received. He didn’t care that it was an original Maurice Sendak drawing or anything. He saw it, he loved it, he ate it."
(source: @_nitch)
Watched the brilliant V for Vendetta. A reminder of how ideas, truth, hope, love and the power of people uniting around freedom from oppression, tyranny, surveillance, discrimination, control and fear matters.
Freedom Forever.
A Yoshitomo Nara Day
Artwork: Yoshitomo Nara, 旅する山子 Traveling Yamako, 2019
Dreaming of the sea…
Four Tet at Lost Village
Wow, this made my day! Four Tet’s epic set at Lost Village Festival 2021. Recommend listening to it on SoundCloud here . Truly awesome 😊
It’s time to repair the 🌎
Artwork: Paste-up by seiLiese, It’s time to repair the 🌎, 2021
Gorgeous and poignant paste-up by street artist seiLeise, “It’s time to repair the 🌎”.
All Day
Love these guys! Here’s the Ebinum brothers (Victory and Marvel; @ebinumbrothers) newest dance performance , All Day. Choreographed as part of a series titled, Beautiful Life, the brothers wrote this abut the piece:
“We should love all day, trust all day, help all day, smile all day and do what we love all day so we can be happy all day.”
A Yoshitomo Nara Day
Lockdown life…
Sky Room
Artwork: Elvio Chiricozzi, Sky Room (La Stanza del Cielo), 2103, Castello di Rivara, Torino (mixer media on wood); Photo: Sveva Angeletti
Elvio Chiricozzi’s installation at Castello di Rivara in Torino, Sky Room (La Stanza del Cielo), 2103, is wondrous. The artist who employs a meticulous rendering of natural elements has brought the clouds, the sky, to earth. The natural elements are a metaphor for Chiricozzi into the state of being. Clouds—effervescent, changing, vaporous, compelling—and in Chiricozzi’s installation, poetic and philosophical, both subtle and powerful. Beneath our feet, reverie is not simply inspired by looking up at the sky, at a distance, it is within our reach, more tangible, more real.
The video directed by Sveva Angeletti is a riveting documentation of the installation process.
Banksy's Spraycation
Banksy at his satirical best, The Great British Spraycation (2021). Enjoy!
never without his mask
Artwork: Seth, Never without his mask, St-Pierre at La Réunion, 2021.
Wonderful recent mural from Seth, Never without his mask, that’s part of his upcoming exhibition, L’ile aux marmailles at Galerie Very Yes in St-Pierre at La Réunion. It resonates as we’re currently in lockdown #WTF in Melbourne, and it’s masks everywhere, curfews etc. Ugh. But the sun is out and spring is nearly here and that makes me happy. I’m writing a timely story called Ghost Girl about a late-teen vampire skater girl during the worst Melbourne lockdown last winter and I’m loving it! Also reading Robert Jordan’s epic fantasy Wheel of Time, which is coming out as a TV series in November and I have no idea if I can get through the 14 books by then! Art, music, nature, stories—it’s what I love and what’s got me through this freaking crazy time we’re in. Have a great day!
the world in our hands
Artwork: Mural by Rocket01 (, Lisbon, 2021
I’m tired of being bludgeoned by the toxic stew of an endless MSM cycle spinning the same things, centred on fear and negativity—covid, climate, whatever— that’s not helpful. I’d like to see what’s possible and positive and good for a change. Which is why I’ve posted this gorgeous mural by street artist Rocket01, The world in our hands. Because it is. And this world, the natural world and its creatures, is beautiful and precious. So, today if you can, get close to nature, be in it, look at images of it—whatever!—just appreciate it. And imagine a world which we’re helping to nurture—a happier and healthier world.
Artwork: Paste-Up by WRDSMTH, create, Cleveland Institute of Art, 2021
Another great paste-up by WRDSMTH in Cleveland. And pretty good advice.
Arise Sun
Here’s a dreamy, dreamy new song from Robert Levon Been from BRMC (Black Rebel Motorcycle Club—love these guys!), Arise Sun. It’s from a film score Robert worked on last year with Paul Schrader for his upcoming film The Card Counter, coming out September 10th.
And lockdown ends tonight!!! Woohooo! 😊