Artwork: Salvador Dali, Hologram: First Cylindric Chromo-Hologram Portrait of Alice Cooper's Brain (1973)
A pretty wild, and yet strangely cool pair—Salvador Dali and Alice Cooper.
In a recent interview in The Guardian, Alice Cooper tells this amusing tale when asked what was it like working with Dali, who created the bizarre (and appropriate), Hologram: First Cylindric Chromo-Hologram Portrait of Alice Cooper's Brain (1973):
“He’d say one word in Portuguese, one word in French, then one word in Italian, as well as some weird surrealistic language. We worked with him for three days then afterwards, at a press conference, a journalist asked me the same thing. I told them: ‘It was great, but I didn’t understand a word he said!’ Then Dalí goes: ‘Perfect! Confusion is the greatest form of communication!” And I look at him and I go: ‘You speak ENGLISH? After three days of BABBLING?’”
Salvador Dali and Alice Cooper—like two worlds colliding!