Artwork: Mural by @adidafallenangel at Underpressure international graffiti festival in Montreal, 2019
Great mural and words by artist @adidafallenangel:
“Honestly, I couldn't care less about Valentine's day but we all know I do care a lot about Love!
To me love is the source of all that is pure and good, the innocent and the honest, the brave and the humble. To me love is an unstoppable force, a universal machine that is packed with so much warmth and light that the sun will pale in comparison to it. Love drives me to be better, to do better, for myself, my loved ones and the world around me. Love gives me hope, it helps me get up in the morning and it fills my heart with a magnificent force that pretty much helps me breath and be present. Without Love I dont even want to exist, to be brutally honest, I believe we are love and that powerful force is part of us for eternity, to stop believing in love is to stop believing in yourself, and there is no greater pain than that. So forget about Valentine's day and embrace everyday that you are here, that you are love and will always be loved by the rest of us, for under the skin we are alike.
Keep love alive, love every day, tell it to yourself and those around you, fear not of love, hold it dearly and let it go, love will always find it's way back into your heart.”