The beauty of musician and artist Ryoji Ikeda’s installations is the approach of cosmic and intangible experiences through simple yet profound means. Ikeda’s artworks exploring the Planck scale, supersymmetry, or the transinfinite span the infinitesimal to the astronomical through the elegant incorporation of sound, light, space and time. Ikeda commented: “My work is created by reducing sound, light and the world into sine waves, pixels and data…so that the world can be viewed once more at a different resolution”
Point of No Return (2018) is the exploration of the event horizon of a black hole using basic shapes, sounds, light and shadow. The strobe effect is mesmerising, sucking the viewer into the work like the dense gravitational pull of the black hole itself, and the sensory overload is resonant of experiencing an immensity beyond absolute comprehension.
Check out the video where Ikeda talks about the installation.