Image: Rafah, May 26th 2024
I wrote this poem, The Day of the Flame, because I could not be silent—
hundreds of bonfires were lit
marking the day of the flame
Lag BaOmer, a day long ago
when a rabbi blazed before
passing from this world
with an inner fire, revealing the light
and secrets of the Torah
while the sun did not set, so that now
the many bonfires reflected
the radiance of this holy scripture
and the light it brought to the world,
yet on this same day
the fire of bombs could be seen
not far from those celebrating
as Rafah burned
bodies incinerated in tents
in a space designated
for refugees as “safe”
children, all innocence and light
immolated as they were dug from
the smouldering ashes
and debris, dismembered
while the flames continued
to burn until dawn
a hell on this same earth
© Angela Jooste